

At FinByz, we firmly believe productivity thrives on efficient time management. We've designed Productify – a powerful tool to put this belief into practice, enhancing time management and fostering productivity in the workplace.

Designed to streamline your workflow and enhance your productivity, Productify is available as a software application as well as a browser extension. It works seamlessly on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Brave browsers. Regardless of your workforce being geographically dispersed or operating from a centralized office, Productify offers robust insights and controls to boost productivity and enforce stringent data security measures.

Productify Activity Analysis Overall

Productify is divided into two parts – Activity Analysis dashboard and comprehensive Summary Reports. These features can be viewed in the ERP, by both the management and the employees. This access can promote transparency, self-monitoring, and accountability. It also helps foster trust and ensures that the use of tracking apps aligns with both company goals and employee rights.


Unique Web Designs
Activity Summary

The Activity Summary features a Gantt chart of daily activities, highlighting active and inactive periods for tasks like application use, website visits, and meetings. This provides insights into productivity and helps enhance time management.

relevant and creative content
System Activity

Gain real-time insights into team engagement with the Work Intensity feature. By tracking keystrokes and mouse clicks, it creates a heatmap that visualizes activity levels, with darker areas indicating higher engagement. This tool helps identify and optimize productivity patterns throughout the week.

premium vector graphics
Web Browsing

Monitor your web activity with a Pie Chart, showing time spent per domain in different colors. Hover for details or click to hide domains. Receive daily, weekly, and monthly summaries to optimize your online time.

premium vector graphics
Phone Calls Analysis

Productify's mobile app tracks all calls and meetings, linking them to ERP contacts with options to add missing details. It captures call type, participants, and timestamps, providing clear insights into both internal and external communication to boost team productivity.

premium vector graphics
Meeting Analysis

Take control of your communication management by logging all internal and external meetings in one place. Productify helps you optimize your time spent in meetings, ensuring that every conversation contributes to your goals.

Activity Summary

Productify Activity Summary

The Activity Summary offers a comprehensive visual snapshot of an employee’s daily activities through an intuitive Gantt chart, showcasing both active and inactive periods across tasks like application use, website visits, and meetings. Complementing this is a progress bar chart that summarizes total time spent, including details on incoming, outgoing, missed, and rejected calls, as well as the total hours dedicated to meetings. This feature provides valuable insights into productivity and engagement, enabling you to analyze time distribution and communication patterns to enhance time management and boost overall efficiency.

Activity Summary Report

Productify Activity Summary Report

This report provides a Line Chart tracking four key metrics: Total Hours, Active Hours, Call Hours, and Meeting Hours over a specified period. After selecting the date range and employee, choose a frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly). A detailed table shows Total Hours, Active/Idle Hours, Average Active, Incoming/Outgoing Calls and Hours, Missed/Rejected Calls, Keystrokes, and Mouse Clicks.

System Activity

Productify Work Intensity

Our Work Intensity visual tracks keystrokes and mouse clicks to gauge employee engagement. The Heatmap provides real-time insights into activity levels, with darker areas indicating higher activity. This feature helps monitor work patterns and productivity by the hour throughout the week.

Applications and Web Browsing Insights

Productify Applications Used

Our Doughnut Chart provides insights into employee software usage, with each arc representing an application and its hours logged. Hover over arcs to view time spent, or click to hide apps from the chart. The legend shows color-coded apps for easy tracking, helping you identify key tools and optimize productivity.

Productify Web Browsing Time

Web Browsing Time logs all online activity, from social media to meetings. A Pie Chart categorizes time spent by domain, with each slice representing a domain in a different color. Hover over slices for hours spent, or click to hide domains. Get insights into your online habits with daily, weekly, and monthly summaries to optimize productivity.

Domain Analysis Report

Report Domain Analysis

The Domains Analysis Report visualizes website usage over a specified timeframe. Users can select a date range and employees, grouping data by employee and domain or by domain alone.

A bar chart shows visit frequencies for different domains, while a table details each visit, including employee names, visit times, duration, application used, and URLs.

A 'Rebuild' button refreshes the data for the latest insights into web activity and domain trends.

Top Phone Calls and Types of calls

Productify Top Phone Calls

The Top Phone Calls feature in the Productify mobile app tracks all calls, capturing details like contact information, duration, and timestamps. Calls are visualized in a Pie-in-a-Doughnut chart, categorized into Company, Customer, Lead, and Others, with names and durations displayed, and overall durations visible on hover for quick insights.

Type of Calls

Productify's Type of Calls feature offers detailed insights into internal and external communication, enhancing clarity and decision-making. This feature helps organizations optimize communication dynamics and boost productivity, ensuring every call type contributes to overall success.

Hourly Calls Analysis

Productify Hourly Calls

With Hourly Calls, you get a comprehensive view of all internal and external calls, organized by hour. Track the timing and duration of each call to analyze productivity trends, helping to streamline future communication strategies.

Consolidated Analysis

Productify Hourly Calls

The User Analysis feature offers productivity statistics for all employees, displaying total time spent across the system. It includes a table with activity hours (total, active, idle, average), phone calls (incoming, outgoing, missed, rejected), work intensity (keyboard strokes, mouse clicks, scrolls), and meetings (number and hours). This consolidated view helps all levels of the organization enhance efficiency.



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