What is Cloud ERP?

Cloud ERP, or Enterprise Resource Planning, is a powerful software solution that integrates various business functions into a single, unified platform. Unlike traditional ERP systems, Cloud ERP operates on cloud infrastructure, offering a host of advantages:

1. Accessibility: With Cloud ERP, your business data and applications are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. This facilitates remote work, collaboration, and real-time decision-making.

2. Cost-Efficiency: Cloud ERP eliminates the need for extensive on-premises hardware and maintenance costs. You pay for what you use, making it a cost-effective choice for businesses of all sizes.

3. Scalability: As your business grows, Cloud ERP can easily scale to accommodate your evolving needs. Adding new users or features is seamless and doesn't require significant IT resources.

4. Security: Leading Cloud ERP providers invest heavily in security measures, ensuring your data is protected against threats and breaches. Your sensitive information is often safer in the cloud than on local servers.

5. Real-time Insights: Cloud ERP provides real-time analytics and reporting, empowering you with actionable insights to make informed decisions quickly.

Why Cloud ERP is the Future:

The rapid pace of technological advancement and the increasing need for agility have made Cloud ERP the future of business management. Here's why:

  1. Flexibility: Cloud ERP adapts to changing business conditions and can be customized to meet your unique requirements.
  2. Competitive Edge: It enables you to respond swiftly to market dynamics, giving you a competitive edge in today's fast-paced business environment.
  3. Scalability: Cloud ERP grows with your business, ensuring you can expand without the constraints of outdated infrastructure.
  4. Global Reach: It facilitates global operations, allowing businesses to operate seamlessly across borders and time zones.
  5. Cost Savings: By reducing IT infrastructure costs and improving operational efficiency, Cloud ERP delivers cost savings that directly impact your bottom line.

Are You Ready for the Future?

The question now is, are you ready to embrace the future of business management with Cloud ERP? Businesses that adopt this technology gain a significant advantage in terms of efficiency, innovation, and competitiveness. The future is here, and Cloud ERP is leading the way. It's time to make the move and ensure your business stays ahead in the ever-changing business landscape.


In the dynamic landscape of business, staying ahead of the competition and achieving growth requires strategic thinking and innovative approaches. As we step into 2023, it's the perfect time to explore eight growth hacks that can transform your business and set you on a path to success.

1. Diversify Your Revenue Streams

To ensure stability and resilience, consider diversifying your income streams. Explore new product lines, expand into complementary markets, or offer subscription services. By spreading your revenue sources, you can weather economic fluctuations more effectively.

2. Focus on Customer Acquisition

Acquiring new customers is vital for growth. Invest in marketing strategies that target your ideal audience and utilize digital marketing channels to reach a wider customer base. Consider offering promotions or discounts to attract new customers and showcase your value proposition.

3. Improve Customer Retention

Build strong relationships with your customers through exceptional service, personalized experiences, and loyalty programs. Happy, loyal customers not only make repeat purchases but also become brand advocates.

4. Optimize Your Pricing Strategy

Your pricing strategy can significantly impact your profitability and customer perception. Analyze your pricing model and find the right balance between value and cost. Experiment with tiered pricing, bundling, or dynamic pricing to maximize revenue.

5. Invest in Technology

In the digital age, technology is a driving force behind business growth. Invest in tools and systems that streamline your operations, enhance customer experiences, and provide valuable insights. Embrace automation, AI, and data analytics to gain a competitive edge.

6. Network and Build Partnerships

Collaboration can open doors to new opportunities. Network with industry peers, attend conferences, and seek partnerships with complementary businesses. Collaborative ventures can lead to joint marketing efforts, shared resources, and access to new markets.

7. Continuously Improve Your Product or Service

Innovation is key to staying relevant. Continuously assess and enhance your products or services based on customer feedback and market trends. Stay attuned to industry advancements and be willing to adapt and evolve.

8. Track and Measure Your Progress

To achieve growth, you need to track your performance closely. Set clear key performance indicators (KPIs), measure your progress, and adjust your strategies accordingly. Regularly analyze data to identify what's working and what needs improvement.


As you embark on the journey to transform your business in 2023, keep these growth hacks in mind. Each one has the potential to drive positive change and propel your business forward. Remember that growth is an ongoing process, and staying agile and adaptive is key to your success. Embrace innovation, focus on your customers, and continuously strive for improvement, and you'll be well on your way to achieving your growth goals in the coming year.

Are you tired of losing potential customers or struggling to retain existing ones? Do you want to increase your sales and revenue, while improving customer satisfaction and loyalty? If so, then you need to watch our latest video on "The Importance of CRM"!

In this video, we discuss how Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can help businesses of all sizes to achieve their growth goals. We cover the importance of identifying potential customers and the role of lead management in successful sales and marketing strategies. We also explain how CRM can improve customer communication, increase sales and revenue, and enhance customer loyalty and retention.

At Finbyz, we believe that every business should utilize CRM to reach its full potential. You can also contact us for more information and to see how we can help you achieve your business growth goals. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your business to the next level with CRM!

Welcome to Finbyz tech's video on ERP implementation steps. We'll guide you through the different stages of the implementation process to help you understand what it takes to implement an ERP system.

1. Define your requirements by analyzing your current business processes, identifying bottlenecks, and areas where an ERP system can help.

2. Choose the right ERP system by considering its functionality, ability to integrate with other systems, flexibility, and scalability.

3. Prepare a project plan that outlines the project's scope, timelines, budget, and resources required. Involve stakeholders to ensure everyone understands the project's goals and objectives.

4. Migrate data accurately and consistently from existing systems to the new ERP system.

5. Configure the ERP system to align with your business processes. Involve end-users to ensure the system meets their requirements.

6. Test the system's functionality with unit, integration, and user acceptance testing.

7. Train end-users effectively with a training plan that includes both online and in-person sessions, documentation, and user guides.

8. Deploy the ERP system to your organization's users by conducting a pilot deployment to a small group of users before rolling it out to the entire organization.

Thank you for watching! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments section below. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more informative videos.

In this tutorial, we will learn to apply taxes and charges for Purchase and Payment in ERPNext.

The purchase taxes and charges have all the features we discussed in Sales Taxes and charges, which you can watch first through the link given above, and in the description.

So we will create one purchase transaction and apply taxes the same way we learned in the previous video.

Now, the purchase taxes have two more features to learn:

Feature 1 is Consider Tax For:

Consider Tax For Valuation:

If you have paid some incidental charges related to this purchase, you can choose this option as Valuation. Now the tax or charges will increase the valuation of the product, but the total of the invoice value will not increase. For example, you want to add import duty or transportation charges that were paid by you directly. So you don't want to pay them to the supplier, but they should definitely be considered for calculating the landed cost of the items.

Consider Tax for Total:

Exactly the opposite. Sometimes there are charges that your supplier adds to their sales invoice, but they are refundable to you in some way. So you want them to be applied and considered for calculating the total payable, but you don't want the valuation of the goods to go up. India's GST can be one such example, which should be considered for the Total.

Consider Tax for Valuation and Total:

As the name suggests, this will be added to the valuation of goods as well as the total payable for the supplier. Any transport, packaging, or loading charges should be added in this way.

Feature 2 is you can Add or Deduct charges:

Mostly, we always add taxes and charges. But sometimes, we need to deduct some charges from the purchase side. For example, any quality damage claims, cash discounts, etc. In this case you will set the value as deduct.

Taxes and Charges in Payment Entry:

Now, coming to payments, there are times when you are making or receiving advance payments and you want to apply taxes there. You can apply taxes the same way we learned for sales and purchase.

Here, if the taxes are part of the paid or received amount, you have another checkbox "Considered In Paid Amount" to avoid getting taxes added to the total payment.

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In this video, We will learn How to create customer or supplier Ledger in ERPNext.

- Unlike many other accounting softwares, here we will not define ledgers for Customers, Suppliers, or Employee accounts directly in chart of accounts.

- Instead, we will define create account as Payable or Receivable type.

- While creating company, default Payable and Receivable accounts are generated and saved in company’s accounts settings.

- Any transaction against customer or supplier will use this default receivable or payable account.

- If you like to set any other default account for any customer or supplier, you can set the same in accounting section of that customer or supplier.

- If you are dealing with customer or supplier where, default currency is different than your company currency. It is good ideal to create receivable or payable account in that currency and set it as default for customer or supplier.

- So, in ERPNext all accounting entries for Receivable or payable type accounts will also have party type and party.

- For Receivable account, entry customer will be party type and party will be specific customer against which entry has been done.

-  Same way in ERPNext Employee, Members etc are also party type for which separate ledger creation in chart of account is not required.

- All these parties can be linked to any one, or more receivable, or payable type account.

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In this video we will learn How to use Forward Contract in ERPNext:

- First, you will have to go to the forward contract list and click on add forward contract.

- Add Necessary details like Booking Reference Number, contract amount, current rate, margin and premium, Booking Rate, Booking and Bank.

- Select Maturity Date and Maturity To

- Click on save and submit.

- forward contract can use through payment entry.

- Go to the Payment Entry list and click on New.

- Select the Party Type and the respective Customer/Supplier.

- Select the Bank Account/Cash Account Paid to and Paid From.

- Select the forward Contract in Forward Utilization table and Enter the Amount utilized.

- Enter the Amount Paid.

- Enter the Cheque Number and date if bank transfer.

- Save and submit.

- to cancel the forward contract

- Go to Forward Contract List, Open Current contract.

- In Cancellation Section, Enter Cancellation date, Cancellation Amount, Cancellation rate and select the bank.

- Click on add Cancellation details.

- Click on the update, after click on the update one Journal entry will post for Exchange gain loss entry.

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Item Creation in ERPNext

To create an Item, go to item list. Click on Add item button. You can fill all mandatory details in quick entry form, or click on Edit full form button to view all the details.

Insert Item code and item name. Choose Item group and default Unit of Measurement.

If you like inventory to be maintained for this item in ERPNext you can keep Maintain stock checkbox ticked.

You should uncheck it if you are defining service item. You can also mention opening stock quantity and rate to generate opening entry. Save the form to create the item.

The dashboard section will show all transactions of the item along with warehouse wise current stock.

If maintain stock is checked you will see inventory section in item, where you can define inventory settings and barcodes.

If you like to maintain some minimum stock in warehouse for the item, you can define the same in Auto Re-Order table.

Here system will check stock in All warehouses, if it’s below Re-order level which is defined as 5, system will create Purchase type material request for Re-Order Quantity of 10.

In ERPNext item can have multiple Unit of Measurements, and default conversion factors between these can be defined in UOM table.

If you like stock to be maintained batchwise or serial number wise, you can check respective checkbox.

Keep in Mind, default UOM, Maintain Stock, Has batch number or Has serial Number these settings can not be changed after any stock transaction is submitted for the item.

In accounting section you can define company-wise defaults for the items like warehouse, cost centers and expense or income accounts.

If you are planning to procure this item from outside supplier then you should keep Allow purchase checkbox ticked in Purchase Section.

If unchecked this item will not be visible in purchase transactions. You can define sales UOM, lead time and Safety stock in this section.  

Similarly in sales section you can allow sales and default sales UOM.

You can define applicable taxes in taxes section. If you have quality inspection criteria same can be defined in Quality inspection template in Quality section.

In this video we will learn how to create Bank Account and Mode of payment in ERPNext.

First, let's create a bank in ERPNext.

Go to the Bank List.

Then, Click on "Add Bank."

Enter the Bank Name, Swift Number, and Bank Website.

Then, Click on "Save."

You can also add the bank address and contact information here.

Now that we have created a bank, let's move on to creating a bank account.

Go to the Bank Account List and click on "Add Bank Account."

Enter the Bank Account Name.

Then, Select the bank, account type, and sub-account type.

If it is the default bank account for all transactions, you can set it as default.

If it is a company bank account, check the "Is Company Account" checkbox. When you check this box, two fields are populated: company account name and company. Select the company account and company.

If it is not a company bank account, you can link it with a customer, supplier, or employee. Select the party type and select the party to link the bank account.

In the account details section, enter the details like I-B-A-N, Branch Code, and Bank Account Number.

Click on "Save."

Now, let's create a mode of payment.

Go to the Mode of Payment List.

Then, Click on "Add Mode of Payment" and select the type.

In the Accounts section, select the company for which the mode of payment is used and select the account.

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ERPNext is a versatile Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software that allows businesses to manage their financial transactions effectively. Configuring sales and purchase taxes in ERPNext is crucial for accurate financial reporting and compliance.

Step 1: Log In to ERPNext

Start by logging in to your ERPNext account using your credentials. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to configure taxes.

Step 2: Access the Taxes and Charges Template List

Once logged in, navigate to "Setup" in the main menu and select "Taxes and Charges Template List." This is where you can define tax templates for both sales and purchases.

Step 3: Create a New Tax Template

To create a new tax template, click on the "+ New" button. This will open a form where you can define the tax template details.

Step 4: Define Tax Template Details

In the tax template form, provide the following details:

Tax Category: Select whether the tax is for sales or purchases.

Tax Type: Choose the type of tax, such as GST, VAT, or any other applicable tax.

Tax Rate: Specify the percentage of the tax rate.

Applicable On: Define whether the tax applies to the total amount, item rate, or other specific criteria.

Tax Account: Select the appropriate ledger or account where the tax amount should be recorded.

Tax Included in Basic Rate: Check this option if the tax is included in the basic rate of items.

Tax Calculation: Choose the tax calculation method, such as "On Net Total" or "On Previous Row Total."

Step 5: Save the Tax Template

After entering the tax template details, click the "Save" button to save the template. You can create multiple tax templates for different tax scenarios.

Step 6: Associate Tax Templates with Items or Suppliers

To apply these tax templates to items or suppliers, you'll need to associate them in the respective master records.

For Items: Go to the "Item List," select the item, and edit its details. In the "Taxes" section, choose the appropriate tax template you've created.

For Suppliers: Navigate to "Buying > Supplier" and select the supplier you want to associate with a tax template. In the "Tax ID" field, choose the relevant tax template.

Step 7: Test and Validate

Create test transactions for both sales and purchases to validate that the configured tax templates are applied correctly. This step ensures that your tax calculations are accurate.

Step 8: Review and Update

Periodically review your tax templates to ensure they remain accurate and up-to-date, especially when tax regulations change.

Congratulations! You've successfully configured sales and purchase taxes in ERPNext.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can effectively configure and manage sales and purchase taxes in ERPNext, helping you maintain accurate financial records and ensure compliance with tax laws.

ERPNext is a powerful Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software that streamlines business processes, including managing taxes for your items. Defining item-wise tax rates in ERPNext is essential for accurate financial reporting and compliance.

Step 1: Log In to ERPNext

Start by logging in to your ERPNext account using your credentials. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to define tax rates for items.

Step 2: Access the Item List

Once logged in, navigate to the "Item List" by clicking on "Items" in the main menu. This will open a list of all your items.

Step 3: Select the Item

Choose the item for which you want to define tax rates by clicking on its name in the list. This will open the item's details page.

Step 4: Edit the Item

On the item's details page, click the "Edit" button to make changes to the item's information, including tax rates.

Step 5: Define Tax Rates

Scroll down to the "Tax" section of the item's details page. Here, you can define tax rates specific to this item. You can add multiple tax rates if applicable.

Step 6: Add Tax Rate Details

For each tax rate, provide the following details:

Tax Type: Select the type of tax, such as GST, VAT, or any other applicable tax.

Tax Rate: Specify the percentage of the tax rate.

Tax Account: Choose the appropriate ledger or account where the tax amount should be recorded.

Step 7: Save Changes

After adding the tax rates for the item, click the "Save" button to save your changes. The item will now have item-wise tax rates defined.

Step 8: Review and Test

It's essential to review the item's details and tax rates to ensure accuracy. You can also create test transactions to confirm that the tax rates are applied correctly.

Step 9: Repeat for Other Items

If you have more items with different tax rates, repeat the above steps for each item to define their respective tax rates.

Step 10: Monitor and Update

Periodically review your item-wise tax rates to ensure they remain accurate and up-to-date, especially when tax regulations change.

Congratulations! You've successfully defined item-wise tax rates in ERPNext. This ensures that your financial records are accurate and compliant with tax regulations.

In this video we will learn How to use List view in ERPNext:

- You can reach to any doctype through search bar

- Here you will get top 20 data with selected columns of the doc type in list view

- If you want to see more you can click 100, 500 or load more button.

- By default data is sorted based on last updated date.

- You can change the sorting through various options by clicking last updated on.

- If I click the date, the data Is sorted by date field of invoice.

- You can change the order of sorting ascending or descending by clicking button next to it

- If you wish to filter the data, you can use standard filters visible on top of list view.

- If you want to filter based on any field of the doctype, you can click on filter button and select the field. You can choose from various filtering options like equals, not equals, like, not like etc..

- If you wish to use the set of filters frequently, you can save the applied filters by mentioning the appropriate name in save filter box and press enter.

- You will see number of applied filters in the filter button, to remove the applier filter click on the filter button again and click cross button next to the filter.

- To apply the save filter, just click on the name of saved filter and same would be reapplied.

- To change the columns shown in the list view, click on 3 dots and select list settings.

- Here you can configure maximum number of columns for list view.

- You can choose any field from the doctype to show it as column on the list view.

- Once selected, click on save button the list view will be re populated.

- Once you refresh the data will be visible in newly added column.

In this tutorial, we will learn about Sales Taxes, and Charges in ERPNext.

In sales, or purchase transactions, there are many taxes or charges that are applied over, and above the value of the goods or services. In ERPNext, these can be applied through taxes in the "Taxes and Charges" table.

On Actual Basis:

Here, whatever amount you type in at the time of the transaction will be applied. We generally use this for transport, packing, loading, and  unloading charges.

On Net Total:

Here, you mention the percentage rate that will be applied to the net total value. Most taxes will be applied in this way.

On Previous Row Amount:  

If you have taxes applied on Previous Row Amount, For an Instance, Cess. this option must be selected. Here, you have to give the row number on which this percentage of tax will be applied.

On Item Quantity:

If there are some charges like transportation may be applied on an item quantity basis, you can choose this option.

On Previous Row Total:

When taxes are applied not only on the net total but also on incidental charges like transportation, packaging, etc., this option comes in handy. We use this option for GST when the template has other incidental charges.

Once you have applied these taxes, the sum will show in "Total Taxes and Charges". This will also update the grand total of the invoice. But sometimes, it may happen that the taxes are included in the price of the product, and you want the taxes to be calculated for regulatory purposes but don’t want them to be added to the net total. In this case, you can choose the checkbox "Tax included in Basic Rate".

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In this video, we will learn how to create Bill of Materials as known as (B-O-M) without operations in ERPNext.

B-O-M are crucial for manufacturers to optimize production, cut costs, and maintain consistent product quality. So let's dive in!

You can go to B-O-M List, and click on Add B-O-M.

Select item to Manufacture, quantity to manufacture, and company.

By default, checkbox Is Active and, Is Default will be checked whenever you create new B-O-M. System will ensure these checkboxes are unchecked for all past B-O-M of same item on submit of current B-O-M.

If you wish to allow user use alternative item of raw materials at time of Production, you can check the allow alternative item checkbox.

In Operations & Materials section, select all the raw materials and mentioned quantity required to manufacture.

System will try to bring rates, but these can be updated later even after submit.

In case there is some scrap Item also getting generated in this manufacturing you can mentioned the same in Scrap & Process Loss section.

You must mention the rate of scrap item, system will take same rate at time of manufacturing. This amount in scrap item, will be deducted from raw materials cost to derive valuation of Finish Item in Manufacturing.

If you want to mandate quality inspection after production of item, you can check Quality Inspection required in More Info section.

Save and Submit the B-O-M.

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