ERP for Manufacturing

ERP software for Manufacturing industry


The surest foundation of a Manufacturing concern is quality. After that, and a long way after, comes cost
– Andrew Carnegie

A manufacturing concern deals with the creation of products which deals with processing, preparation of goods at every stage. It deals with the conversion of raw material to the ultimate finished goods that comes in the hands of consumers. Manufacturing industry is in itself a vast one that has many sub categories.

From decades manufacturing industry is operating on a manual system which includes hard copies of invoices, maintaining records of inventory, recording and clearing orders from suppliers and much more. But as the organization are expanding and diversifying day by day, it has become very difficult to main everything in a manual way. Here comes the need for a solution such as ERP Software that records and maintains each and everything in a systematic manner.

Here’s everything you need to know about ERP for manufacturing industry.

Finbyz stands out as a distinguished service provider of ERP for Manufacturing Software, catering to both Engineering and Manufacturing sectors in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. If you're on the lookout for ERP solutions tailored to your Engineering or Manufacturing needs, reach out to us for a personalized, no-obligation consultation.


Why It Is Required?


Continuous Learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field
– Brian Tracy

Every business aims to grow and improve and it makes it essential to simplify and follow the methods that can save time. Manual recording of each and everything is a very tedious and time-consuming task. So in order to record everything automatically in a systematic manner software is required that works on real-time basis and everybody have access to it. An effective management of all the manufacturing processes helps to get a competitive edge in the business environment. Key reasons requirement of ERP in manufacturing are:

  • Efficient production planning

  • Keep track of work order in progress

  • Allows efficient inventory management

  • Ensures workstation and workforce optimization

  • Fix liability for each quality checks

ERP for manufacturing, including chemical ERP, manufacturing ERP, transport ERP, and ERP for trading, is a game-changer for companies in the manufacturing industry. It offers a comprehensive solution that optimizes and streamlines every aspect of the manufacturing process. From inventory management and production planning to quality control and supply chain management, ERP for manufacturing provides real-time insights and automation to enhance operational efficiency. It enables manufacturers to make informed decisions, reduce production costs, minimize waste, and improve overall productivity.

Types of ERP in Manufacturing

In the manufacturing industry, there are different types of sub-sectors such as Engineering, Chemicals, and Retail etc. Thus the classification of ERP is also required on certain basis. Below are the kinds of ERP for manufacturing:


ERP for Discrete Manufacturing

This type of manufacturing companies includes all those organizations that assemble the different products to create a finished product such as in electronics, automotive or in material sectors. ERP for this type of manufacturing deals in managing records of demand patterns, serialized production, suppliers information and order tracking etc.


ERP for Process Manufacturing

Companies that come under the category of process manufacturing are the ones that put together formulas or different components to make a final product such as chemical, food and beverage sector. ERP modules for manufacturing in this is helpful to record complex recipes and formulas, quality management, waste management, life span of the products.


ERP for Mixed Manufacturing

This type of ERP software for manufacturing records both types of processes for the companies that deal both in discrete as well as in process manufacturing.

Benefits of ERP for Manufacturing


Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection – Mark Twain

Implementation of ERP Software is the answer to many problems related to management in the manufacturing industry. The industry in today’s business environment is very dynamic and innovating rapidly. For being at the same pace as the changing market, latest technology is a must as ERP Software has various benefits, some of them are as follows

Reduce costs and save dollars

Reduction of Costs

Controlling cost is one of the priorities of every business entity. Management of every small detail in an automated way saves a lot of time of workforce allowing them to focus more on strategic decisions in business, thus resulting in the reduction of costs.

Real-time information

Real-time information

ERP for manufacturing helps in providing real-time information on inventory, production in process, workstation utilization, etc. This allows management to increase efficiency by optimizing resource utilization.

Flexibility and competitive edge

Flexibility and competitive edge

ERP for manufacturing is generally customizable and provides flexibility to every type of manufacturing sector as per their own specific needs. It also helps in gaining an edge over its competitors.

Other Modules of ERP


Accounting is the language of Business - Warren Buffet.


Accounts module delivers insight into the key account needs of your organization and lets you manage the organizational expenses by delivering valuable insights. It allows you to automate financial and accounting activities such as Sales Invoice, Purchase Invoice and Payment Entries. You can also manage your assets with automated depreciation entries at selected period.

  • Multi company accounting with possibility to get combined accounting reports.

  • Automated payment reminders for your receivables.

  • Easy Integration with CRM Software.

  • Multi-currency accounting for export/import and hedging.

  • Manage term loans with scheduled automated ECS accounting entries.

  • Detail analytical reports on sales, purchase, gross profit.


If you are not taking care of your customer, your competitors will. - Bob Hooey


The CRM Module of ERP solutions allows you to optimally manage your relationship with the customers by providing you a broader range of functionalities that are specially designed to improve your customer service. Say no to searching multiple platforms like mails to accounting software to get 360 degree view of customer, you can get conversations, orders, invoices, deliveries and payment details all on single page.


  • Manage full conversion cycle from Lead ->Inquiry ->customer management.

  • Never forget to do follow-up calls on time through system reminders.

  • Time line feature like Facebook for each customer/lead allows you to view all mail/phone conversations on single page.

  • Make delegation and monitoring of tasks task more efficient through system generated escalation mails.

  • The CRM's Meeting Management feature helps organize and streamline meetings efficiently with objectives and outcomes.


Inventory is money sitting around in another form. - Rhonda Adams


Stock Inventory management is heart of any ERP. Here you can not only check the current stock levels with valuation, but you can also see projected quantity of stock based on purchase orders, sales orders and production orders in hand. The versatility of this ERP makes stock management module highly suitable for all forms of businesses.

  • Manage exact location storage space though Tree structure of warehouse.

  • Possibility of Serial No/Batchwise inventory management.

  • Generate product bundles selling multiple items together.

  • Create multiple price lists for each item, including multi-currency price list.

  • Allow seasonal discounts or offer special pricing to loyal customers through Pricing rules based on customer, Customer Group, Territory or Season.

  • Strong quality control based on predefined inspection criteria to be filled in quality check before receipt of delivery of item.


You sell on Emotion, But you justify a Purchase with Logic. - Joseph Sugarman


Manage the purchase through workflow of material request. You can create request for quotation and send it in mail to multiple suppliers with the click of a button. Ensuring multiple quotation are received for the requirement and choosing the best quote for purchase order, you can improve efficiency of your purchase department. In fact, this can improve your bottom line by bringing down your cost of goods.

  • Manage your sourcing activities by comparing quotes of multiple suppliers.

  • Send request for quotation to multiple suppliers on click of a button.

  • Item-wise or supplier-wise purchase price analytics.

  • Rate suppliers based on various factors from delivery time to quality of product.

  • Maintain buffer stock with automatic purchase requisition if available quantity in warehouse is below defined level.


This is where the real work gets done.


The Manufacturing part of the ERP has been designed to serve businesses in diverse industry backgrounds. The versatility of the software allows SMEs to manage their manufacturing activities with minimal data entries. The system is capable of managing cost of manufactured goods based on raw materials consumed and operational cost based on manufacturing activity time.

  • Manage workstations and standardize operations to be performed with benchmark timing.

  • Allows Multiple Bill of Materials(BOM) for single item with variation in manufacturing formula.

  • Manage not only inventory but also operational cost and workstation availability through BoM.

  • Production planning tool for scheduling manufacturing activities along with sub-assemblies.

  • Production analysis for each batch against the benchmark for getting possible areas of improvement.

Human Resource

You don't build a business. You build People and then people build the business. - Zig Ziglar

Human Resource

Human resource is most important for but ignored part of most of SMEs. The reduction in time wasted in non-core activities and goal-oriented approach increases the productivity of employees. Automation of attendance, payroll and expense claim allows better tracking and reduced redundancies.

  • Manage Employee attendance.

  • Automated Payroll Processing.

  • Leave/holiday management.

  • Expense claim management.

  • Job openings and applicants.

  • Professional Appraisal system.

  • Training and feedback.


Know what you own, and know why you own it. - Peter Lynch

Asset Management

ERPNext simplifies asset management from procurement to disposal, including IT infrastructure and equipment, all through a centralized system. With multiple capabilities integrated into a single application, managing assets has never been easier.

  • ERPNext offers a centralized system for asset management.

  • The platform facilitates managing assets from procurement to disposal.

  • IT infrastructure and equipment can be managed through the system.

  • Multiple capabilities are integrated into a single application to make asset management more efficient.

  • Asset masters can be created and managed.

  • Depreciation and maintenance can be tracked.

  • Real-time reporting and analytics are available to assist with decision-making.


A goal without a plan is just a wish. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Project Management

ERPNext project management assists in the planning, organization, and administration of the various tasks and activities involved in managing a project, ensuring that they are documented and tracked.

  • ERPNext project management assists in planning, organizing, and administering various tasks and activities of a project.

  • It helps to break down a project into smaller tasks and assign responsibilities.

  • Project timelines, budgets, and progress can be tracked and monitored.

  • Communication among team members can be managed through the system.

  • Project templates can be created and reused.

  • Real-time analytics and reporting are available to monitor the project's progress.


Delivery Excellence for creating magical customer experience.


Poor customer service and support costs companies billions of dollars each year. According to Customer Engagement Index by almost half of consumers will stop buying from a company and move to a competitor within one day of having poor customer service. Best brands are known for their best in class service and support. ERP helps you create a system for tracking and resolving customer issues. You can also manage guarantee/warrantee of your products.

  • Ticketing system for issue recording, where tickets can be automatically created through customer email.

  • Possibility of assigning issues to relevant person for resolution.

  • Automated email/sms to customer on resolution of issue.

  • Manage invoicing for maintenance/repair service for items out of warrantee or AMC.

  • Take customer feedback against service to maintain quality standards.


The Foreign Trade Should be Fair Rather than Free. - Lyn Nofziger


Given the complex nature of export import business we designed special module, which will allow you to manage your requirements more effectively. As you must deal with many regulations the accuracy of the documents is most important for the organization. There are also local lows providing special benefits to exports like Duty drawback, MEIS, etc which require special accounting treatment. Import / Export finance is also has multi-currency nature and many times it come with fixed repayment date.

  • Generate all export documents like Draft BL, Shipping Invoice, Customer Invoice, Packing List, etc on single click.

  • Manage export/import finance with maturity date.

  • Letter of credit facility with drawn amount, conditions and maturity.

  • Manage forward Contract in system and check your hedging ratio.

  • Calculate RODTEP Claim, MEIS and IGST on exports and make accounting entries for these receivables.

  • Manage calculations of Export and Import against Advance Authorization license.

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