How to Create Company in ERPNext

In This video we will learn how to create company in ERPNext.

- To create a company, go to company list, click on add company.

- Enter the company name, abbreviation, default company currency and country.

- If this company is parent company of other companies you are going to create click on checkbox is group.

- If this company is child company of any other parent company, select the same in parent company field.

- In the chart of accounts section, you can choose to create chart of accounts for new company based on standard template or existing company.

- Select company for based on existing company or select required template from drop down.

- On save, company’s chart of account will be created and default account will be auto populated in accounts settings section of company.

-  You can add multiple addresses of the company in Address and contact section.

- You can update remaining default settings like buying and selling settings, account settings, stock settings in company.

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