How to use List View in ERPNext

In this video we will learn How to use List view in ERPNext:

- You can reach to any doctype through search bar

- Here you will get top 20 data with selected columns of the doc type in list view

- If you want to see more you can click 100, 500 or load more button.

- By default data is sorted based on last updated date.

- You can change the sorting through various options by clicking last updated on.

- If I click the date, the data Is sorted by date field of invoice.

- You can change the order of sorting ascending or descending by clicking button next to it

- If you wish to filter the data, you can use standard filters visible on top of list view.

- If you want to filter based on any field of the doctype, you can click on filter button and select the field. You can choose from various filtering options like equals, not equals, like, not like etc..

- If you wish to use the set of filters frequently, you can save the applied filters by mentioning the appropriate name in save filter box and press enter.

- You will see number of applied filters in the filter button, to remove the applier filter click on the filter button again and click cross button next to the filter.

- To apply the save filter, just click on the name of saved filter and same would be reapplied.

- To change the columns shown in the list view, click on 3 dots and select list settings.

- Here you can configure maximum number of columns for list view.

- You can choose any field from the doctype to show it as column on the list view.

- Once selected, click on save button the list view will be re populated.

- Once you refresh the data will be visible in newly added column.

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